A Little Help
Friday, June 22, 2007
Nicklaus is starting Middle School next year and to say I am nervous is putting it mildly. At his year end meeting with the Special Education Resource Team one topic was his Math abilities. See, with his Processing Disorder he has all this information in his head and has trouble writing down the steps he uses to solve a problem. His teachers, nor I, can convince him he needs to use paper to "cipher" the problem. Next year he will begin Pre-Algebra, there is no way on God's Green Earth he is going to be able to do this all in his head. He's okay with basic math, but advanced? No way. So, I am really considering and researching available Math Tutors for him. It may cost a little bit, but if it helps him succeed in the future, I feel it will be money well spent.

Labels: Math Tutors, Nicklaus, Score Educational Program
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