That Boy Makes Me So Proud...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I forgot to tell all of y'all about Nathan's, ummm...performance at the Staff-vs-Students Kickball Game. He began doing some sort of interpretive dance, it reminded on of Squidward on SpongeBob Square Pants. He had the attention of half the parents on the next set of bleachers. He twirled, he wiggled, he lifted his leg up. He was just a little dancin' fool. While all of the parents were watching him gyrate, he suddenly stopped, looked at his Daddy and proclaimed, "I just took a big dump...." This is surely one of those heartwarming occurrences that I, as a mother, will cherish lovingly for every day of my life....BWAHAHAHAHA

Labels: dancing, Nathan, Squidward
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