Honors Day 2006...Yep...That's My Boy
Friday, May 19, 2006
Nicklaus' school had their Honor's Day Cermony yesterday....he did NOT get any academic awards...Meh...those are highly overated anyway....My boy got a Dedication to Chorus Award...and yes...I'm proud as hell....He works so hard at everything...and if he would have gotten any of those other Highest Averages or whatever...I would still have been just as proud!! Yippee for me...today is the LAST day of school....yep...I'm sleeping in on Monday...at least until Nathan wakes up at 7:00 am or so! (be sure to say congrats or something if you will...he's gonna ask me if the blog people commented for him like they did Noni...LOL..if you don't...I'll just lie...)
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