They Were Mesmerized!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Who you ask? Why Noni and Nathan. I got another little perk in the mail the other day. Two copies of a game for the Nintendo DS (which they also sent along by the way, 2 of them) that hasn't even been released yet. Needless to say, I had 2 very happy campers in my house. They love the games and activities on it. What I love is that Nathan is able to play with it also. A lot of times games may say they are for 3-6 year olds, then you get them out and try to play them and you have trouble, how's your child supposed to do it. Entitled Interactive DS Storybook Series 1, the disk is jam packed with all sorts of fun stuff for kids to do and play and learn!! Let's see, the four stories included are: The Three Little Pigs, The Snow Queen, The Bat & Kaguyahime. Color me psychic but after watching the last one, I am positive it's a Japanese fairy tale. Your child can paint, draw, color and play the harp. The music one is awesome it records your music for playback. The only drawback is the harp playing and the Japanese woman who paints the notes reminded of Japan, which reminded me of food,and I started craving sushi! This is definitely a fun, entertaining and educational game here. It will take a long time for them to tire of playing this. This game will be released the latter part of September, so keep your eyes pealed. It would be the perfect birthday or holiday gift!! There is also a game made specifically for boys coming out. I can't wait to see what is on and in it!!! It even had Nathan sitting still! Don't believe me? I have proof!!
Labels: Nathan, nintendo ds, storybook interactive ds
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