I Will Go One Day!!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
One day I will not have quite so many children at home anymore. I do hope I am not one of those people that end up raising their children and then end up raising my grandchildren. I can pray I've raised my well enough they will do the right things and make the right choices. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with raising grandchildren...I just feel that after the three I've had that God will see fit to grant me some sort of relief. BWAHAHAHA!! Wouldn't it be great to be able to go and set out for vacation and end up in one of the really nice Maui Beachfront Vacation Homes? I think it would be pretty close to Heaven on Earth!!
It would also be great to take the whole family along and tour this part of America. I have a very useful site that lets you enter just about any determining factor you need to and then find just the right accomadations. If you'd rather not stay in one of the amazing Maui Beachfront Vacation Homes then you are welcome to peruse the Maui Hotels and/or Condos the site offers as well.
Personally, I could think of nothing better than visiting the islands, arriving at the beautiful Maui Palm Gardens House and Cottage putting my feet up, having a cold and delicious Mai-Tai, listening to the surf and realizing for the first time ever I can choose not to blow bubbles in the pool. Unless of course, I am raising grandchildren, then I'll be hunting "swimmies" and blowing bubbles.
It would also be great to take the whole family along and tour this part of America. I have a very useful site that lets you enter just about any determining factor you need to and then find just the right accomadations. If you'd rather not stay in one of the amazing Maui Beachfront Vacation Homes then you are welcome to peruse the Maui Hotels and/or Condos the site offers as well.
Personally, I could think of nothing better than visiting the islands, arriving at the beautiful Maui Palm Gardens House and Cottage putting my feet up, having a cold and delicious Mai-Tai, listening to the surf and realizing for the first time ever I can choose not to blow bubbles in the pool. Unless of course, I am raising grandchildren, then I'll be hunting "swimmies" and blowing bubbles.
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