It's A Man Thing I Guess....And Why My Eldest Child Is A Supreme Smart A***
Saturday, April 28, 2007

As you can see by this obvious post, this is gonna be all about some male bonding thing. Yep, that's son & hubby out there doing a little target practice. I don't get it...I think Nicklaus hitting a bottle on a rope, knocking it off and then loading up and shooting the gun again and HITTING the tiny piece of rope made his Daddy almost, if not more, than the excellent report card.
And now, why I know my eldest child should be nominated for Smart Ass of the Year Award. I was just getting in the shower when I heard 1) a gunshot and 2) a bloodcurdling child's scream. I have never ran so fast, or now that I think of it, quite so naked into my front yard. When I got there, yelling as I ran out of the front door, "Who's yelling? If you've shot one of my children, I swear to God I WILL kill you!!" **This was said to hubby, not son.*** Anyway, it was just Nathan playing. When Nicklaus asked later, "Momma, why did you run outside half-nekkid and threatening to kill Daddy?" I replied, "Honey, can you think of anything more terrifying for a mother to hear or think about seeing, a gunshot and then a very loud, sounded like pain-filled scream?" To which his superb facetious mouth opened up and spewed forth, "Well, yeah, if all that you said occurred, BUT, when you got out of the house we'd be laying on the ground covered in tomato sauce. That would be worse. A lot worse." Smart ass....
Labels: my kidz are crazy, Nicklaus
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