Next, Nathan was extremely congested, coughing and such this weekend. Noni seemed okay Sunday morning, so she and her dad went to church. Nicklaus woke up with an ear ache and congested, so the 2 boys and I stayed home. Noni got the same way as the other 2 Sunday evening. Nathan hasn't slept well since Saturday night due to coughing and such. And if Nathan doesn't sleep, Mommy doesn't sleep, so I have had about 5 hours total sleep since Saturday...rah rah rah...I'm on top of the world!!! They are all still congested and coughing. Nathan seems to be the one that has it the worst. The pediatrician prescribed breathing treatments for him when he starts coughing too much and can't catch his breath. As you will see below , he really enjoys those!! My life has been one big bundle of snot here lately...lots of snot and no sleep do not a happy Momma make...but, these are the dues of motherhood....although in my opinion, my dues should be waived, I should have such a positive balance in my dues account that I don't have to pay until the year 2050, be declared a charter member or something.
Next, the weather has been kind of cool here in South Georgia lately and I let Noni and NIcklaus go outside to play on Monday, since they both seemed a lot better. When they came inside, Noni was covered with mosquito bites....Nicklaus had one. I swear to you, if there were 500 people in a thouand acre field and 4 mosquitoes in the field, Noni would be the only one they bit. They love her, and she's quite allergic to the bites, they get really red and swell up on her. Here's a tip for ya, if you don't know it already...the best thing to put on mosquito bites to reduce swelling, redness and relieve itching? We use deodorant, it works really well on Noni. Here's a link with this and other remedies for mosquito bites. Just click the red sentence. I don't know how well you can tell by the pic, but my girl is covered. I never in a million years thought there would still be mosquitos out still. We used to be swarmed with them, for the last month or so, we've seen none. But as I said before, they will seek Noni out, just to get her blood. Now I will live in fear the next week or so until I know she hasn't caught West Nile or some other mosquito transmitted disease.

Next, I went to open the door and let our newest member of the family, Sable, inside. Our beautiful, white (because she's still a puppy) Golden Retriever/Lab Mix. Her fur is soooo white, and soft, that you can't get enough of petting her. She is convinced she's a giant lap dog. I suppose her fur will turn golden soon. Hmmm...make a note to ask Cat if her girls were white when just puppies. I know I could look it up...but dammit...I'm tired. Did you not read that I have had NO SLEEP?? Back to the topic at hand, letting Sable in. I opened the door and found some other dog in my pretty, clean Sable's place. After my initial shock, I realized this was my Sable. And sleeping outside was her only option for tonight. As you can see, she was not phased one bit. Wherever she'd rolled in the mud that covered her from head to toe must have been one exhausting experience, she could have cared less where she slept, that's pretty evident though, isn't it?

Little Dirty Doggy...
And last, but not least, those who read my blog know of Nathan's fondness for his feces. What post from hell would be complete without a mention or two of that? Someone, gee I wonder who, moved Noni's bank/ATM thingy and we couldn't find it . Noni found it under her bed. Can you tell what the problem with this item is? Someone was trying to make a deposit of what he considers a valuable commodity. Yep, right in the coin slot. So, can you guess who the culprit is? And what he was trying to invest? And how to explaing the concept that crap is a no deposit, no return, item to a two year old??? Bwahahahahaha
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