I Ain't Skerred of No Ghost!!
Friday, November 04, 2005

The South is full of superstitions, ghost stories and voodoo. Especially Savannah, The Southernmost parts of South Carolina and the surrounding areas. This trailer used to be abandoned, white, and falling down. Well, only 2 things have changed thus far. I just had to take a picture of this for you....mainly in the African-American neighborhoods around here, you'll find the most outrageous loud tints of paint. Yellows, pinks, greens and most often the blue color above, it's called "haint blue." It's supposed to protect the inhabitants from spirits. Now, I know the neighborhood this "traylorrrr" is in and I am just willing to hazard a guess and say the paint is to keep the spirits away, and the pile of cinder blocks are there to chunk, (that's southern for throw at) young entrepreneurs hawking their wares
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