Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!! Today is the Princess Noni's 4th Birthday!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Yep, the little girl who came into this world in a torrent of crap, lol, turned 4 years old today. I told her I would put her pic on the blog with her flowers that Aunt Lisa sent her and everyone would leave a comment telling her Happy Birthday. Her response? "I know Momma!!" We had a busy day....letting her Royal Highness know over and over again that it was her birthday (everyone had to call) then going to her open house at her new preschool. If I had a dime for every time she asked me, "Momma, I'm bigger today, aren't I?" I'd be one rich bitch....lol...she is so proud to be four, and I am so depressed she's going to school Monday! It's 4 days a week, from 9-12, but dammit, I keep telling her to stop growing up!! I like my kids being small!!
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