Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Yep....that's me a big ol' copycat. There are all kinds of special little things that certain bloggers do each week. Wonder Blogs on Wednesday, Katy used to do it, Momma-2-b Christy does a Wednesday Wonder Blog. Gennie does a Jambalaya post weekly. Mama Duck has Way Back Wednesdays every week. The list could go on and on. Well, I've thought long and hard. My contribution to a weekly event in blogdom?? I went with something that defines me, I suppose. Weird, Nutz, Bizarre, and Twisted (only the beginning of the list dearies!) What did I come up with, you ask? WEIRDO WEDNESDAY!! (Please let me know if someone else already does this.) Every Wednesday I'll post a few links to weird blogs, web pages, pictures, products, etc...and as usual post a witty sentence or two about each. On Fridays, and this is not in tune with my silly side, this goes straight to my Queen of Thrifty, I'll have Freebie Fridays where I'll give you a few links for things that you can get for free. I may even post an awesome online sale or two. So, let me know what you think, would any of this interest anybody that reads my blog? :)
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