Oh Dear, Now This Is Sweet, Thoof!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Don't know what a Thoof is? Well, I'll tell ya. Thoof is a new website that offers you, the reader, personalized news based on a quite advanced and complicated algorithm. This algorithm "remembers" what you, the reader, is interested in, and loads up a personalized home page for you. It's TAILOR MADE to what YOU like!! The site was created because of all the time and trouble it takes to find stories that are interesting to YOU. How many times are you left sifting through things you could care less about, endless clicking and clicking only to find out that what interests you may not even be present on a particular website. Well, no more, one need only click on the stories one in interested in, and from then on Thoof takes care of the rest. Don't like how an article is described? Think it can be better? Then you, as a registered Thoof member, may make suggestions to change it. This collaborative filter of news, websites, videos, websites and other links, is a welcome respite from anything else the Internet offers. I must warn you though, once you start clicking and reading and/or viewing, you may find yourself addicted. This is truly a unique site, I love it. I left it only long enough to post and tell you all about it!!

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