That's Our Jack
Monday, June 25, 2007
Jack is the only dog we have now. He originally started out as Noni's but we all love him very much. Jack was around 3 when we got him and alread very set in his ways. He's around 5 1/2 years old now. He's like a little old man. He loves to be petted, but I can assure you there will be no stick chasing, ball fetching, roll over and playing dead from Jack. He tends to have the philosophy of, "I do love you all, but I really would like for you to pet me a few times and then just let me lie here." He absolutely hated the other dogs wanting to play with him, he's just not a play dog and we love him for that. When he first saw the chickens out of the pen, he laid there, waited to see what they were gonna do. You could just read the "Dear God, please don't let them think I will play or anything mundane as that." They didn't, they walked over to him, kinda looked at him and walked off. Jack just stared at them. He could care less. They don't bother me, I don't bother them. Here's a picture I took of Jack, Noni and her chicken, Little Mama. How many dogs just stand there and don't try to kill them a chicken? Not many. And it looks like she is kinda holding Jack back, she's not...she was just petting him!

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