A Great Way To Teach Money Lessons
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Nicklaus is rapidly approaching the teen years. It's time to up the ante, so to speak, on money lessons. If you don't teach your kids while they are young they may never learn the value of good spending/saving skills. I think using a Teen Visa may be the way to go. This card even has a chore payment system included. How cool is that? No, you didn't clean your room, so you don't get your allowance. Plus, God forbid and emergency ever arise, but if it did and I couldn't get to him quick enough then I could always electronically transfer funds to help until I could. Parents also have access to see how and on what the money is being spent. Too much money spent on junk? Then you can use it to your advantage and your teen's to sit them down and talk to them about how important budgeting is to one's life. It's definitely something I am looking into.

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