Family Reunion
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I will share a few pictures now of our family reunion. We had a great time. Yes, Joey attended with us, believe it or not. Another thing to note is we had a LOOONNNGGG talk the other night and I stated a few obvious facts. The end result? Well, we ALL went to the family reunion and Mom here is toting around triple what I need for eyeglasses. Hmm...seems I communicated how much "enough is enough" meant efficiently...huh? Anyway...on to other issues. The reunion is held at my aunt & uncle's "pond" house. Heck...I would live in this "pond" house happily. The hubster and Nicklaus loved the display over the fireplace:

EVERYONE enjoyed the Feed the Catfish Feeding Frenzy! These catfish are HUGE!

Even though the pond house has THREE indoor bathrooms. Two with just toilets and sinks and one full bath upstairs in the loft, there is also an outhouse. With fully functioning toilets. Ain't no wood seats and corn cobs in this one! And the doors are designated, "Bucks" and "Does." That's so us country folk know which one to head into!

Labels: family life
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