Introducing Eric Schiffer
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Eric Schiffer is an up and coming celebrity in today's Hollywood. He's one star that you need to keep an eye on. In what promises to be a whirlwind year for Eric Schiffer, we'll definitely catch his ascent into A-list classification lists. Eric Schiffer has quite a few deals in the making. He's already assented to star in a independent production company's remake of Charles Bronson's Death Wish, the new release has a working title of Death Wish Returns. This movie is scheduled to begin filming on location in Glasgow, Scotland in December, 2007 with an expected release date of mid 2008. Eric Schiffer is currently discussing the opportunity to star in an Action/Comedy film alongside a very well-known A-list celebrity. This film is primarily a "buddy flick." So, if you want to get in on watching a rising star. Look no further...Eric Schiffer is climbing the ladder of fame, fortune and success!! And he's doing it two rungs at a time!!

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