Nope, I don't think that would work at all....
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The hubby helps Noni every week with her homework. Her homework consists of cutting out pictures, (no food) of items that begin with the "letter of the week." So, hubby found a pic of Jessica Simpson, he thinks she's hot as hell, and the letter of the week was "F." He looks at me and asks, "Can I use this?" I ponder the question for a moment, and then decide he means "F" for female, right? NOPE, he means "F" for Fine. Then he says, "Hey, I could have used her for "D" also. "D" as in "DAMN!!!" If you have ever heard Emeril say "Bam!!" this is what Joey's DAMN sounded like. So, no, I don't think that would be a good thing for his 4 year old daughter's homework, do you? L O L

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