Thursday, October 20, 2005

Yep, the guy in the pics above has broken through the veil of secrecy within my family about my blog. Damn that Google. HIs only beef? I hadn't blogged about him. I guess the main reason is this: If I start blogging about what a tremendous kid he is, I'll start missing him, missing him will make me cry and I don't feel like crying!! He's closer than family to me. The little brother I never had. When I was single and "with child." This little guy was at my side all the time. He's just always been in my life and I cannot begin to say how weird it is to on one hand be so proud of him for going to college and wanting to become a physician and on the other hand hating it that he left home. He has a scholarship to Loyola, yep, that's NOLA, Katrina land. He got to spend one day and one night basking in his newfound independence. The next he's evacuated and now he's in Denver, Colorado. 4 years of French, 4 long years of French in the hopes of speaking it in the French Quarter, (at least on this side of the world, he'll build a house one day on the French Riviera and speak it every day) anyway....what now? He's in a wonderful Jesuit college in Denver that's situated smack dab in the middle of Spanish Harlem...and he is without a Spanish vocabulary. Sometimes, God just has a funny, funny sense of humor. So, here's Justin's blog entry. I know he'll be reading it shortly and I hope he knows how much he means to me and how much I miss him. He's truly a remarkable young man...damn, did I say that? I meant kid. He always has been. How many 10 year olds can have Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" read to them, and they actually understand?? Love ya J!!!! Hurry home!!!
Mayo todos sus sueños vienen verdad.
Mayo todos sus días sean felices.
Mayo su cristal sea siempre lleno.
Puede usted nunca olvidarse de cuánto usted es amó.
Figure that one out!!
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