WAHM Seeks Real Opportunities....
Friday, April 27, 2007
Y'all all know I am trying everything I can to make some extra money at home. The way it is though, it's tough finding REAL ways to make money. If you have insomnia, like I do, then you know every other channel has some million dollar making scheme infomercial on alst every channel late at night. A lot deal with real estate. Sorry, no credit here so I know that buying and selling real estate isn't an option. No matter how many times they yell, "Anyone can do it...no money required!!" I also get slews of invites in the mail or work at home options as well. They usually are holding meetings at a local area hotel and they promise gifts and such. Most also offer lunch. Who knows, they may be legitimate, most likely they are not. There is a site that has a good Internet Business Opportunity, I will be researching it out more thoroughly and let you know what I think about it. Who wouldn't want to have a real chance to stay at home and make money? Especially, if you are like me and would have to pay daycare for three kids. I would end up not really making enough at a "real" job to justify the expense of daycare, gas, and other expenses.
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