Momma always said I was a follower....

Like it was a bad thing...meh....
Do follow is what allows search engines to spider comments. I love when people comment on my blog so naturally, I want everyone to have an incentive to leave me wonderful messages. So if you use MT, you are already following like I am, Blogger follows, but WP adds a no follow tag automatically to their templates. So what you have to do if you use WP, is to add the do follow plugin. I read about this on Kat's blog, which is a very cool blog, check it out!!
1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the list in the paragraph. This isn't a suggestion. You need to break up the duplicate content. Someone took the time to add you so the least you can do is give them an extra link back.
2. Copy the list of originals below COMPLETELY and add it to your blog. If you would like a different keyword for your blog then change it when you do your post and it should pass to most blogs with that keyword.
3. Take the adds from the blog that added you and place them in the "Originals" list.
4. Add at least 1 new blog that you KNOW is using the DO FOLLOW plugin to the list in the "My Adds" section. (Add no more than 5!) Let the people you've added know, so that they can keep the list going!
My Adds:
The Originals:
Midlife Musings
Utterly Geek
Whatever I Feel Like
My Dandelion Patch
Simple Kind Of Life
The Hockey Dad
My Single Mom Life
The Photo Pumpkin
The Passionate Ailurophile
My thoughts, Ideas, and Ramblings
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