The Shit In My Life Has Got To Stop....It Simply Must
Saturday, April 14, 2007
I thought about it today, while I gagged changing Nathan's crappy Pull-Up. Nathan's poops could gag a maggot. He's the kid that will not potty train. I'm tired of wipes and crap stained bottoms. Let's think of this shall we. If I figure that my kidz had 3 shitty diapers a day until potty training, and they were all breastfed when they were babies, that is a wildly conservative estimate. They were pooping machines. Anyway, Nicklaus was potty trained by 2 1/2 years old. Noni by 1 1/2 years old and Nathan is hitting 3 1/2 years old with no desire whatsoever to poop in the pot. This breaks down into, a rough estimate that I've changed approximately this many diapers/pull-ups:

Nicklaus - 2,737
Noni - 1,642
Nathan - 3,832 (and no end in sight)
THAT MEANS, IN A ROUGH GUESSTIMATE KINDA WAY: 8,211 diapers and or pull-ups that I have changed. That is way too much shit for one woman to handle. I don't want to wipe anyone's ass for the rest of my life except my own. Just thought I'd share that little bit with you. Aren't you glad you read my crap? Now, if you all will excuse me, I have to go and clean out the kittens' litter box.

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