Young and The Restless...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
No, I am not describing my life at the present. I want to tell you about a site that has a section devoted to the popular soap on CBS. If you are a fan of The Young and the Restless this is one site you should visit. The site offers spoilers, daily updates, which stars are leaving the show and who's coming to the set next. Alongside the daily updates are screen shots of that days show. You can also choose the pictures option and see photos of the cast. If you can't remember a name of one of the actors, the site has a cast list available as well. One feature that would seem to be quite useful to avid fans of The Young and the Restless is the message boards. This feature is located right under the daily updates so one can comment on the show as it unfolds. The site is very well laid out and easy on the eyes. Check it out!!
Labels: PPP, Sponsored Post, Young and the Restless
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