I Found a Reputable Way to Make Some Money Online...
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
And I am going to try it out. Anyone with a blog that's 90 days old and a PayPal account is eligible. This will not overtake my site, I will let you know right up front if the post is a Pay Per Post well...errr...post. Look we here at the Nutz household need the money desperately and I see this as much better than Google Ads or Amazon links or whatever...I've researched this site thoroughly and it looks legit and there is plenty of help available to get you started. I really like that you can choose what site, service, etc.to write about, not just have random stuff posted on your site. So, if you're interested in a legitimate way to make some money BLOGGING then go and look the site over, choose opportunities, post about them and earn some extra cash!!! Seems like a win-win situation to me!!! If you sign up and make a post I get $15 and then you post about it and you get $15 and so on and so forth. I hope to make some extra spending money....and I hope you do also. Thanks!! CLICK THE PAY PER POST LINK/BADGE IN MY SIDEBAR TO SIGN UP!! PLEASE USE MY EMAIL IF ASKED WHO REFERRED YOU: Momisnutz@earthlink.net and let me know if you signed up and how it goes...k?

Labels: Make Money Online, Pay Per Post
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