I had to tell Erik Thanks Man!!!
Friday, October 28, 2005
I wanna thank Erik over at A Long, Strange Trip for giving me the link to Operation Gratitude. My Dad (who is my partner in the online store thingy...the cash partner..lol) & I really wanted to start donating a portion of sales from the store, to a good organization that supports our troops and/or their families. And who better to let me know than one of our guys in Iraq?? Check out their link, even if you don't buy from me, it's still a great and wonderful cause. They send really cool care packages to those military members that are laying it on the line everyday. I think everyone should thank our soldiers...OFTEN!! What?? Why of course I can give you the link to my store again...lol....
I will also be adding a New Arrivals section on my store site, you will definitely find something for everyone on your holiday list!!

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