It's Wednesday Again....
In honor of my favorite show's ending forever....R.I.P. Six Feet Under - I have never cried so much over a television show in my life...I love the Fisher Family and will miss them...very much. This weeks sites may not be so "weird" but they deal with death...I'm in that kind of mood. So, peruse the sites, hope they interest you.
It pays to live a good life apparently. Check out this site and this one.
No need for the loved ones to even sign off when you kick the bucket honey....check out these nifty shopping this...and this
And if you need to know if someone famous is need only click here
Want to know where they are buried? Famous or not. Click here.
And finally, this is not a weird site at's a listing of the obituaries for the characters of Six Feet Under. God Rest Your Souls, Ruth, Keith, David, Rico, Brenda, and Claire. And thanks Alan Ball, this show was awesome in so many ways! What the hell am I gonna do on Sunday Nights now?? I it On Demand...
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