What A Week!
Thursday, May 17, 2007

The past week has been very busy around the Nutz household. On Thursday of last week we had Nicklaus' Field Day at school. The highlight of that was the kickball game between the 5th graders. Nothing like sitting in the heat of the day watching a bunch of kidz kick a ball. Yippeee! (having to cheer while sitting in a hotter than Hades spot took much skill on Mom's part let me tell ya...) Met with Noni's teacher for the end-of-the-year conference.
Then on Friday we had Noni's Field Day! Again, I say Yippeee!!
Went to the school and Noni's class was getting their faces painted. This was the FIRST activity. Upon completion of the face painting Noni began asking if we could "just go home." Seems the heat and gnats were getting to Her Royal Highness. Told her no and then got to watch her do a multitude of other wonderful activities.

Friday Night we had to return to the school for another exciting round of kickball
. This time it was the 5th grade versus the faculty. It was kind of fun....well, a little bit. One thing that was hilarious was the faculty kept "cheating" seriously. (no, that's not the funny part, just keep reading...) They would let their best kickers keep on kicking. The ones that couldn't kick didn't have to. Great way to teach the kidz about fair play, huh? One of the faculty has a piss poor attitude. When some of the parents were saying to the faculty, "Y'all are cheating" she (a teacher) got really upset and said they were being a bunch of babies. Her payback? She tripped over first base and got a really nasty scrape. The parents' retort? "CHEATERS NEVER WIN!!" They called the game due to this "horrendous" injury.

Saturday was kind of laid back. Sunday morning, sheer madness as I tried to get three kidz ready to go to church. After church we went to my sister's house for a cookout. That was cool. Only bad thing? I had, what I call, an insomnia weekend. So, I was really tired and we left early so I could come home and sleep. And sleep I did!!
Monday, Tuesday, cleaned house which I absolutely HATE. And then today. Had to be at school at 8:00am for Nicklaus' transition meeting. The meeting is where I found out what will be done for him in middle school to accommodate his processing disorder, (you know, he keeps the information in his head but can't get it on paper?) I was pleased they had the results of his IQ test and commented on how high it was. Sometimes people with certain disabilities are thought to be stupid, but they are actually really, really smart. My kid is one of those. Anyway, I am happy with the results and I am through with school until next week when they have the Parent's Luncheon for 5th grade Awards/Honor Day on Thursday and a repeat on Friday for the Kindergarten through 4th grades. Thank God FRIDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
Maybe I didn't clarify the Friday Night Kickball Game Episode enough judging by my first comment. It was NOT a child that fell, it was one of the faculty. One that kept kicking and kicking and kicking because she was a good kicker. I also stated she had a piss poor attitude....and her payback? She fell and hurt her knee. That is when the parents' who'd been upset all along because of the faculty's cheating said "Cheaters Never Win."
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